Mindfulness practice for connecting our higher-self energies with the universe within.

About Us

SPIRITUALITY for personal development, self-craft, and a healing worldview.

SOCIAL NETWORK of people of theWAY, globally

VOLUNTEER managed and funded.

EMPOWERING future teachers, healers, and energy workers.

INCLUSIVE spirituality. All humans are on the Butterfly Path, all attend this school for divinity of souls. Students of all grades share the same space, Earth. We are evolving our souls to become spiritual beings.

Under guidance of Wayism International Association (WAWO)

All material copyright (c) Wayism International 2023. theWAY is a registered Trademark theWAY(TM) in most English-language speaking countries. Other trademarks are registered in other language across the world, for example: derWEG, dieWEG, elCAMINO

Why You Should Join Us

FREE to join.

GET THE APP on your phone; hold theWAY in the palm of your hand and joy of life in your heart.

CONNECT with others of theWAY around the world.

SHARE experiences, teachings, inspirational items, make friends of like mind.

DOWNLOAD videos, graphics, inspirationals, and spiritual resources

GROUPS to join, and create your own.

SPIRITUALITY of the next level.

LEARNING short courses and intensive courses, meditations and energy healing

COLLABORATE on videos, courses, books, translations, graphics, and community projects.

TEACH your specialty and expertise. Become a Wayist teacher or healer. 

A Big Thanks

GRATITUDE to everyone who contribute content and interact. This international networking is wholly managed by individual Wayists wanting to create a resource for everyone.

PAID MEMBERSHIP will in future unlock all resources, and help to maintain the software, server costs, graphic requirements, course materials, and thousands of hours of work. Your participation makes it all possible.